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Bottle inspection

Flascheninspektion von Verschlusskappen

Bottle inspection for the beverage industry

With the commands of the EyeVision software bottle inspection for the bottle and beverage production can be carried out.

Application fields of bottle inspection

bottle cap

The EyeVision software inspects if

  • the cap is open, askew or correctly closed.
  • the correct cap is sitting on the bottle. This can be identified with for example the color or the shape.
  • the lockring is in the right position.


The bottle inspection also includes the inspection of the label.

EyeVision inspects:

  • position and rotation
  • damage and color

Bottle mouth

EyeVision inspects for:

  • damage as for example
  • cracks and scratches

Preform thread and bottle neck

EyeVision can also be applied to the inspection of the preform during bottle production. The software inspects:

  • if the thread is damaged, has cracks or is broken.
  • if the bottle neck is undamaged, has cracks or is broken.

Fill level

In bottling plants the EyeVision software can check the fill level. For example to check if the fill level is matched by every bottle, an image of the bottle neck is captured and the fill level measured.

Additionally there are many other inspection applications when it comes to the beverage industry, such as e.g.:

  • token for the deposit on refillable and non-refillable containers
  • 3D inside pressure of a bottle (beer, lemonade, etc.)
  • containers of empties, etc.