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Count objects

EmSens Object Count System

The EmSens Object Count Machine Vision System can detect and count objects with the special BLOB command.


What’s the advantage of EmSens Object Count?

The Machine Vision System can detect and count objects with only one command.

It is suitable for quality control, error detection and the production process on a conveyor belt.

The system counts consequentely for example:

  • nuts, apples, oranges, etc.
  • salami on frozen pizza
  • cog wheels, screws, globes
  • borehole, any kind of markings

The Machine Vision System Hardware

The hardware consists of a GigE or USB camera of one of the camera makers, which are supported by the EyeVision software such as e.g. Basler, Allied Vision, Baumer, Teledyne Dalsa, usw.

As computing hardware are three options available:

  • Machine Vision Computer EmSys
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Odroid

The Software

In addition the handling of the system software is very easy and has many advantages:

  • graphical user interface
  • drag-and-drop-programming
  • creating inspection programs without necessary programming skills

The command set of the EmSens systems can be extended with all commands of the EyeVision, such as e.g.:

  • Deep Learning commands for surface inspection, such as scratches or structur flaws on surfaces
  • further code reader commands such as DMC, Barcode, QR or OCR/OCV
  • Measurement commands
  • Pattern Matching
Das EmSens Object Count Machine Vision System kann Objekte mit dem speziellen BLOB Befehl zählen.
Das EmSens Object Count Machine Vision System kann Objekte mit dem speziellen BLOB Befehl zählen.

EyeSens ObjectCount vision sensors

The vision sensor EyeSens ObjectCount can detect and count objects with the special BLOB command.



What’s the advantage of EyeSens ObjectCount?

The vision sensor can detect and count objects with only one command.

It is suitable for quality control, error detection and the production process on a conveyor belt.

The system counts consequentely for example:

  • nuts, apples, oranges, etc.
  • salami on frozen pizza
  • cog wheels, screws, globes
  • borehole, any kind of markings

The EyeSens Hardware

The vision sensor is very robust. The sensor compensates vibrations and fast movements easily. It also contains:

  • optionally integrated LED illumination and lens or
  • C-Mount connection and
  • IP67 housing

The Software

Additionally the handling of the vision sensor is very easy. Specially thanks to the integrated illumination and lens it is a plug-and-play camera with industrial standard.

The integrated EyeVision software offers additional advantages:

  • graphical user interface (GUI)
  • drag-and-drop-programming
  • creation of inspection program without programming skills
  • special BLOB command for object detection

Try out the EyeVision Software for free and convince yourself!